At full capacity sports event, you’ll have over 70,000 fans, 15 emergency teams, 250 security guards and 1000 stewards on site. Teams need to be able to communicate efficiently and quickly, wherever they are. With Motorola’s TETRA solution they can now respond immediately to any issues or emergencies and always have vital information at their fingertips to make informed decisions.

Motorola’s communication solutions help you optimize your vehicles to service the supply chain and ultimately, your customers. Applications that track vehicles and shipments enable more on-time and accurate deliveries, all while improving safety and complying with regulatory requirements. Drivers are safer, costs are lower, and customers are satisfied. Meet your deadlines safely and efficiently, and exceed expectations with communication solutions adapted to your needs.

You know the challenges. You need to maximize productivity to stay competitive. But it can be difficult. Real-world job sites bring hard knocks, dust, dirt, water, hazardous materials and temperature extremes – and plenty of noise. Safety is essential and you need the fastest, most effective response if there’s an incident. Powered by advanced Motorola technology, the MOTOTRBO Professional Digital Two-Way Radio System is ready to help you respond to those challenges with enhanced productivity.